viernes, 18 de octubre de 2019

Post 6

When people talk to me about postgraduate course I just think that I don’t want to study for a long time after graduating of social work. But I imagine that maybe in the future I will want to make some specialization in the field that I’m most interested that it’s gender and sexual diversity.
Maybe in the future I will want to study in another country, to enjoy in different ways the experience of learning and traveling in faraway places. The reasons to do the course I think that will have relation to learn about more perspectives about this theme of investigation and intervention.

I will like to take subjects about gender roles in the different cultures, social intervention in this theme, discrimination and violence against LGBT people, or things like this. I’m not pretty sure where I want to study, sometimes I believe that I would like it to learn more in Europe, in countries like Spain or France, but then I think that the Latin-American perspective it will be more useful for my work on the field because the experiences in this themes are so similar in these countries.

If I study in the future I will like to do it in part-time course so I can use the rest of the time working on my profession and traveling around the city or near places when I have enough time to do it. I think that it will be a great experience if someday I want to realize it with more energy, because now I just want to graduate of the university and forget about study for a little while.

Thank you for reading my blog!     

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Post 5

When I can finally graduate of this university I'm not pretty sure if I want to work immediately on something relation to social work. Before I would like to learn more about kitchen and work in some place where I can cook and get paid or maybe it can be something related to gardens and herbs too.

I’m not sure of what I’m going to do when I get out of here so sometimes I start to think in all the possibilities and believe that I can work in far places like national parks in the south of Chile or out of the country in other continents. In that sense, I think that I would love to travel a lot in any work that I will have – or that is what I expect- having the most quantities of experiences outdoor.

I want to earn an amount that allows me save some money to have vacations when I start to work in institutions related to social work, because there the schedules are very tight. In that case I would love to work in projects related to women, childhood and adolescence, gender and sexual diversity. On my way studying I learn a lot about these themes so I think that I will do a great job working on it

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Intermediate - Post 3

It's always difficult to think in a free topic to write about, so after a few minutes I decided to write about what I expect for my future. I started to make some plans for the next year because if everything goes right this semester I'm going to graduate this year from university. 

The next year seems very far to me, but the truth is that isn't. A few weeks ago, when I realized that I'm going to be a social worker very soon I thought that I should appreciate the time that I will have before to apply to the working market and enter directly to the world of responsibilities, independence and chaos. 

I decided to travel to another country when I receive my diploma of social worker, so I can get a time of relax after the suffering that means prepare my final essay and defend it in front of my teachers. For that plan I started to make vegan cosmetics to sell during the rest of the year so I will be able to save some money to make that plan come true. Obviously, that trip it won't last the whole year, so when I get back I'm going to continue selling different handmade creations to have my own money and be able to contribute to the household expenses. My family knows that it's been hard to study all this years so they agree with my decision of not working as a social worker the next year. Also, I want to participate in different workshops, about medicinal herbs, hairdressing, collages, drama, etc. I hope to learn a lot about different personal interest that  I didn’t learn in the university. That would help me because in the future I will have different kind of tools to apply in my field work as a professional and that will be useful to share it with the people I will work.

Thank you for reading!

sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

Intermediate- Post 2:

Welcome to my blog, the best holiday that I ever had were on chilean Patagonia, I had been there a few times and I always feel that I want to stay more time, because never it's enough of that place. My favourite holiday there was on summer two years ago. I went there with my ex boyfriend, we started on Punta Arenas and then we hitch-hiked to Puerto Natales, on that time we couldn't go to Torres del Paine because two weeks before the trip we had an accident, so our bodies weren't feeling  good to hike for eight hours into the mountains. In Puerto Natales we stayed in a hostel attended for a very nice family, they were really kind with us. 

After a few days in Magallanes, we moved on in a ferry to Caleta Tortel, that was a 42 hours trip in the middle of the fjords, it was the best ferry trip that I ever had, we saw Torres del Paine from the sea, it was very impressive. We continued our trip into the austral road, it was my favourite holiday because I met a lot of people and magnificent places. That summer we stayed for a month travelling, walking, taking photos, eating, resting, climbing, hiking, riding bicycle so we really enjoy being there, but how everything has and end we ended our trip when we took a plane from Coyhaique to Santiago. It’s always difficult to return to this city.

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2019

Intermediate - Post 1

Welcome to my blog, my name is Catherine Bell-ville and I would like to visit France, because when I was a little girl my dad told me that our family has a French last-name so I get interested in that country and the things I can discover there about the beginning of our familiar history. A time ago I read that is a zone in Paris that it's called Belleville, so I would really enjoy being there.

I know a few things about France, like they have a lot of places that have relation with art, music, history and culture in general and you can visit the most of them. Also, they produce different types of wine so I would like to know about the process of production and the differences that exists with the Chilean wine. On the other side, on my last vacations in Chiloe I met a French girl that was from Bordeaux and she told me that I can visit t¿her when I travel to Europe, so see my friend is an extra reason for visiting this fabolous country.

Resultado de imagen para burdeos francia

I think that is difficult to say what I would like to do because there are a lot of things that result interesting, but mostly I would like to visit places relational to history of France and Europe in general, museums of art and restaurant to try French food. Also, I would like to go to places far away from the cities so I would have time to relax and be in contact with nature.

Resultado de imagen para francia parque naturale

Finally, I would like to work and live there in a few years when I have more experience in my field and some money saved. As well, I think that is necessary to learn French if I want to stay there more than on vacations.

Resultado de imagen para hablar frances ilustracion